What is Neighbourhood Watch?

Neighbourhood Watch (NHW) is both a philosophy and an approach to working together as a community to reduce crime and enhance community safety. Click here to learn more about NHW in Queensland,

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Thursday 23 August 2012

Brisbane City Council responses to our queries

For some months your Carseldine 6 NHW Committee has been asking the Brisbane City Council about the replacement of the large NHW sign which, before the road works, was at the corner of Maundrell Terrace and Hamilton Road defining one corner boundary of our NHW area.

We were keen to see this sign replaced after the completion of road works.

Below is a response from the BCC City Projects Office.

Council is pleased to confirm that a replacement Neighbourhood Watch sign is currently in production. As Council also intends to install some other road signage in the area, installation of the Neighbourhood Watch sign will be completed once all signs have been produced. Council expect to complete this work by September 2012.


Your Committee was also keen to have a ‘KEEP CLEAR’ sign painted on the roadway in Hamilton Rod at the T-junction with Pullford Street. Below is a response from the BCC City Projects Office. No luck with this one!!

Recent traffic observations completed by Council officers during the morning and afternoon peak indicate that traffic is generally passing through the Maundrell Terrace and Hamilton Road intersection in one traffic light cycle. There were no observations recorded of traffic queuing across the Pullford Street intersection in either an east or westbound direction.

Traffic standards indicate that ‘Keep Clear’ signs are generally only used to allow access to emergency vehicles, and where the blockage caused by queuing traffic would create a safety hazard for a nearby intersection.

For example, westbound traffic queuing on Hamilton Road to turn right into Delan Street could create a safety hazard by reducing the visibility and stopping distance for traffic coming through the intersection of Hamilton Road and Maundrell Terrace.

‘Keep Clear’ zones are not usually used to facilitate access to and from streets and unfortunately for these reasons Council will not be installing a ‘Keep Clear’ zone on Hamilton Road at Pullford Street as part of this project.

While Council appreciates that the Maundrell Terrace and Hamilton Road upgrade has resulted in some access changes for local resident, the changes made were required to improve safety and traffic flow through this busy intersection.

The centre median along Maundrell Terrace at Basnett Street was constructed to separate the traffic and create the additional space needed to safely accommodate the right turning traffic onto Hamilton Road. The right turn from Freeland Lane to Maundrell Terrace was also banned at this time as the hill crest blocks adequate sight lines to the south, preventing motorists from being able to turn safely.

Motorists wishing to travel northbound who want to avoid Hamilton Road during peak periods can access Maundrell Terrace from the southern end of Redbourne Street.

Friday 17 August 2012

Beware of Magpies

It’s that time of year again when magpies start swooping as they protect their chicks.

The magpie breeding season lasts from July until December but the peak is from August to October.

During the breeding season, it’s best to stay well clear of areas where magpies are known to swoop.

Take particular care going through Huxtable Park.

If you can’t avoid the area, the best advice seems to be to move through it quickly but don’t run. Wearing a hat and sunglasses can help, and it is worth carrying an umbrella.

For safety, cyclists are best advised to dismount and walk through the area to avoid any risk of injury from a fall or collision.

Many cyclists find it helps to attach a couple of cable ties to the back of their helmet – tie them so they stick up towards the sky.

Swooping is done by male magpies who are trying to drive intruders away from nests so the swooping nearly always stops once you leave the area and the season usually only lasts about six to eight weeks.

If magpies are causing a particular problem, licensed contractors may be able to remove them – call the Queensland Government Department of Environment and Heritage Protection on 1300 130 372 for details.