What is Neighbourhood Watch?

Neighbourhood Watch (NHW) is both a philosophy and an approach to working together as a community to reduce crime and enhance community safety. Click here to learn more about NHW in Queensland,

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Friday 14 December 2012

Holiday Home Security

How secure is your home this Christmas?

A house left empty is a prime target for intruders because they have less chance of being disturbed and the offence can go undetected for days or even weeks.

A good neighbour can be as effective as a police patrol in protecting your home while you’re away.

When you go on holidays, don’t leave any clues that will tempt an intruder.

Advise your local police if you are going on holiday and leave your contact details.

Give your home a “lived in” look by doing the following:

·                     Ask neighbours to watch for visitors but not say you are away
·                     Ask them to mow your lawn and collect your mail
·                     Cancel deliveries
·                     Secure your garbage bin
·                     Install electrical timers that automatically switch on lights and tune your
                   radio to talk-back program
·                     Install self-activating external lights
·                     Turn down the volume of your telephone ringer and don’t leave a message on
                   your answering machine to say you are away
·                     Check the yard to ensure no ladders or tools are accessible

(Source: 11th edition North Brisbane District Crime Bulletin)

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Stay safe while enjoying the festive season

Police have advised that they will be out in force this Christmas so please consider how you celebrate this festive season.
If you are going to be drinking alcohol or are with friends who are, police advice is to consider the following:

·                     Plan how to get home safely. If you plan to drive, DON’T DRINK
·                     Plan ahead and determine how many drinks you will have and stick to the plan.
·                     Eat before and during drinking to slow the absorption of alcohol into your
                      bloodstream (Avoid Salty Foods)
·                     Alternate alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks (water)
·                     Avoid shouts – drink at your own pace
·                     Avoid mixing drinks
·                     Avoid top-ups – finish each drink before you start another
·                     Don’t leave the venue with people you don’t know or trust
·                     Avoid situations that may lead to confrontation or conflict

It is important to note that various drink serves are not all equal to one “standard drink” and take this into account when considering how many “standard drinks” you have consumed.

The orange numbers on the below chart indicate the actual number of “standard drinks” in various servings of alcohol. For example, an average restaurant glass of red wine is actually the equivalent of 1.6 standard drinks.

(Source:  North Brisbane District Crime Bulletin 11th edition)

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Can you help? Break and enter at Stafford Car Wash

On the 17th November at 10pm the Stafford Car Wash on Stafford Road, Stafford, offender/offenders have attempted to enter the premises via the roof.

Cash was stolen.
Police believe that this person may be able to assist with inquiries.

Anyone with information in encouraged to contact local police or Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000 or www.qld.crimestoppers.com.au 24 hrs a day.

Friday 7 December 2012

Be prepared for summer storms

With a couple of severe storms already, it is important to ensure that we are all prepared for storms over the summer.
Councillor Fiona King has provided a few hints in her latest newsletter. These include:
  1. Clean up around the yard and remove any over-hanging branches
  2. Sign up to Brisbane City Councils early warning system
  3. Have a battery powered radio at the ready
  4. Have a torch and candles ready in case of a blackout

Incidentally, if you don’t receive Cr King’s newsletter, you can sign up at her website www.fionaking.org. It contains a lot of information about local events as well as Brisbane City Council news.

Everyone in the family should be aware of how to act during a storm. Stay inside and well clear of windows, doors and skylights. Shelter in the safest part of the house. If driving, turn on your hazard lights and pull over away from trees, power lines, drains and waterways. Stay tuned to the radio or other media for warnings, updates and advice. After the storm has passed check your house and property for damage and check that your neighbours are OK but be careful to stay clear of fallen power lines, trees, and any damaged buildings. 

For emergency help in storms or floods, call the SES on 132 500 or for life-threatening emergencies call 000. 

Further hints for storm preparation are also available at the new storm wise website www.stormwise.com.au.

Other good sources of information include the Brisbane City Council website www.brisbane.qld.gov.au and the Weather Bureau at www.bom.gov.au.

Thursday 6 December 2012

Particpants needed for a Drink Rite evening

Drink Rite is a Queensland Police Service program that aims to promote a responsible attitude towards alcohol consumption and drink driving. It involves participation in practical demonstrations on standard drinks followed by an opportunity for a number of participants to consume alcohol and be breath tested by a police officer.

Senior Constable Donna Burley from Carseldine Crime Prevention is looking for at least 5 more people to participate in a Drink Rite event at the Bonny View Tavern on Tuesday 11th December from 6pm to 8pm.

At this stage you will have to pay for the drinks you consume however there is a possibility that the Tavern may provide the alcohol. 

If you are interested but would like more information we can email you a brochure with details of the Drink Rite program – just send us an email at carseldine6NHW@gmail.com

If you would like to volunteer for this Drink Rite event, please contact Senior Constable Donna Burley at Carseldine Crime Prevention on Tel 3863 5114 or email Burley.DonnaL@police.qld.gov.au.

Drink Rite provides an opportunity to discuss the large range of factors that contribute to alcohol concentrations (including the differences between readings for men and women) to reinforce the message that attempting to estimate your breath alcohol concentration level is difficult and not recommended. Drink Rite also promotes the benefits of counting your drinks and drinking low versus high alcohol beverages.

At the conclusion of the Drink Rite event both participants and the audience should have an increased awareness of the link between the consumption of alcohol of different strengths and breath alcohol concentration, what constitutes a standard drink, how to use standard drinks to monitor your alcohol consumption, the range of factors that affect an individual's breath alcohol concentration and the links between alcohol consumption and alcohol-related harms, including violence and road crashes.

Friday 23 November 2012

FREE disposal of green waste and storm-damaged materials

Cr Fiona King has advised that in response to last weekend's storms, Brisbane City Council's transfer stations will receive green waste and storm-damaged materials free of charge until 5.45pm Sunday, 25 November 2012.

While our area was not as hard-hit as some other parts of Brisbane, this is an opportunity for residents to take advantage of the free disposal to clear their homes and yards of green hazards.

Our closest transfer stations are located at:

· 1560 Nudgee Road, Nudgee
· 101 Upper Kedron Road, Ferny Grove
For more information on preparing for severe storms, visit www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/beprepared or phone the Council on 3403 8888.

Wednesday 7 November 2012

The future of NHW - the 2012 NHWQ State Conference

NHW volunteers from around Queensland joined with police officers to discuss the future of Neighbourhood Watch at the 2012 Neighbourhood Watch Queensland (NHWQ) State Conference last Saturday.

NHW members shared their thoughts on the future of Neighbourhood Watch and other crime prevention measures for the coming years.

The Queensland Government has committed $1 million a year over the next four years to Neighbourhood Watch and Crimestoppers to enhance the relationship between the police and their communities.

The Police Minister, Jack Dempsey said at the conference that ensuring links between police officers and the community remain close is essential as police are only as good as the information they receive.

The new Police Commissioner, Ian Stewart said the Queensland Police Service (QPS) is committed to a successful future working-relationship with Neighbourhood Watch to build community cohesion and improve relationships between neighbours.

He said that the QPS will continue to support NHWQ groups in their efforts to strengthen and connect our communities to ensure a safe and secure Queensland for all” Commissioner Stewart said.

He recognised that traditionally NHW in Queensland had focused on improving home security, reducing the fear of crime and reporting suspicious activity to police, groups have also become involved in broader community safety issues - working together to identify and address local problems that may not involve crime.

The theme for the 2012 NHWQ Conference was the future direction of NHW and the use of social media - an interesting topic given the launch of our new blog. We hope you find this blog a useful additional way of keeping in touch with issues that affect the safety of our local community. Don’t forget that you can also receive email updates as soon as new items are posted to our blog. Just enter your email address in the ‘Follow by email’ box at the bottom of this page. You can also contact the Carseldine 6 NHW Committee by emailing us at carseldine6nhw@gmail.com.

Wednesday 31 October 2012

Reminder - next NHW Update Meeting Thursday 1 Nov

Just a reminder that the next Carseldine 6 NHW Update Meeting will be held on Thursday 1st of November at the Craigslea State School P&C Building at 7.30 pm.

The P&C building is situated at the rear of the school.

Car parking - please use the western car park near the swimming pool. You can then walk through the covered play area to the last building on the left.

Our guest speaker will be Grant "The Pawman" who will speak on the topic of "The use of dogs in the detection and solving of crime".  All dog lovers are especially invited to attend for this interesting talk.

Supper will be provided.

We hope to see you there.

UPDATE: Grant the Pawman has just advised that he will be bringing a special guest along - his dog. So we will now have a chance not just to hear Grant's talk, but also meet the the paws that make Grant "the Pawman".

We hope you will be able to make it to this extra special meeting.

Monday 29 October 2012

Crime statistics now available online

Residents can now see the state’s month-by-month crime statistics for the past 15 years after an open data website was launched recently by the Police Minister Jack Dempsey.
The Queensland Government has also released an Annual Statistical Review showing the state’s crime figures for the year ending 30 June this year.
The review unfortunately shows overall crime increased by six per cent, including offences against the persons jumping by two per cent, offences against property by six per cent and other offences by six per cent.

While the crime rate has increased over the past year, the police have also pointed out that overall crime rates had decreased by 17 per cent since 2002/03.

There has also been a significant reduction in some categories over the past 12 months, with homicides decreasing by 10 offences over this period, a fall of 20 per cent.

Sexual and fraud offences both recorded decreases of nine per cent and 11 per cent respectively, however overall robbery offences have increased by one per cent this year, and there has been a 12 per cent increase in armed robbery offences.

The Queensland Police Service (QPS) is in the process of developing an internet-based application that will enable members of the public to access up to date QPS crime statistics which are relevant to their local area. 

You can view the month-by-month crime statistics for the past 15 years by visiting mypolice.qld.gov.au/data.

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Neighbourhood Watch Survey

This is an opportunity for you to take part in a first ever Australasian community safety survey with the option to go into a draw to win a $50 fuel voucher.

The survey is being conducted by Neighbourhood Watch Australasia (NHWA). This is
the governing body of Neighbourhood Watch in Australia and incorporates Neighbourhood Support in New Zealand. It is Australasia’s largest community-based crime prevention program.

NHWA exists to promote a sense of safety, security and well-being to individuals in the community by seeking, amongst other objectives, to reduce incidents of neighbourhood crime and antisocial behaviour.

Because Neighbourhood Watch Australasia values your participation, they would like to give you the opportunity of winning a $50 fuel voucher. Simply follow the instructions when you have completed their survey. Completing the survey should take you no more than 20 minutes to complete, and your contribution is greatly appreciated.

All individuals 18 years of age and over, who are currently involved in Neighbourhood Watch across Australia can take part in this survey.

The information you provide will be used to paint a picture about how Neighbourhood Watch groups currently work across Australia.

You are not required to identify yourself. However, you are requested to provide background information regarding your gender, age, employment status etc. Be assured that the information you provide will be treated confidentially and you will remain anonymous. No information you provide will be used to identify you individually. The surveys will only be accessed by those working with Neighbourhood Watch Australasia. The survey responses will be used to evaluate the current status of Neighbourhood Watch across Australia and to inform future research to allow improvement in this area. Reports and papers may be published, however individual survey responses will not be identified.

Note that if you wish to enter the draw to win the $50 fuel voucher then you will need to provide contact details, but these details are not linked to your survey responses.

To access the survey, please click here.

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Next NHW Update - 1 November

The next Carseldine 6 NHW Update will be held on Thursday 1st of November at the Craigslea State School P&C Building at 7.30 pm.

The P&C building is situated at the rear of the school.

Car parking - please use the western car park near the swimming pool. You can then walk through the covered play area to the last building on the left.

Our guest speaker will be Grant "The Pawman" who will speak on the topic of "The use of dogs in the detection and solving of crime".  All dog lovers are especially invited to attend for this interesting talk.

Supper will be provided.

We hope to see you there.

Tuesday 25 September 2012

National Police Remembrance Day

National Police Remembrance Day on September 29 marks the day the Queensland Police Service, joins other Australian police jurisdictions to stop and honour fallen officers.
The Queensland Police Service has 139 officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty.
Arguably one of the most important days on the policing calendar, National Police Remembrance Day is a time for members of the Service and the community to remember, honour and say 'thank you' to the dedicated men and women who have died whilst on duty.
This year, marches and services will mainly be held on Friday, September 28 all over the State.
Candlelight vigils will also be held on Thursday, September 27 in Brisbane and throughout Queensland.

Thursday 13 September 2012

R U OK? Day

The second Thursday of September (this year 13 September) is R U OK? Day.

This is a national day of action dedicated to inspiring people to regularly ask each other “Are you OK?”

By raising awareness about the importance of connection and providing resources throughout the year, the R U OK? Foundation aims to prevent isolation by empowering people to support each other through life’s ups and downs.

Click here for more information about R U OK?

So why not watch out for your neighbours and friends today and ask them “R U OK?”

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Police roundup - can you help?

ARMED ROBBERY – Bracken Ridge

At around 2320hours on 16 August 2012 a man has entered a business on Gawain Road, Bracken Ridge, where he produced a weapon and demanded cash.

He banged the weapon on the counter and waived it towards witness.

The store attendant handed a sum of cash to the man before he fled the store running towards Norris Road.

Police believe that this person may be able to assist with inquiries, described as; Male, Caucasian, slim build and around 175cms tall.

Wearing: a black hooded jumper with a white logo on the front and back and black trousers


A man has entered the store via the front entry door, walked up to the attendant at the cash register and slammed a crow bar on the counter and said, "This is a stick up." The man threatened the attendant to open up the cash drawer. When the store attendant opened the draw, the man has reached over the counter and grabbed the cash tray. The man left the store via the front door.

Police believe the person pictured below maybe able to assist with inquiries - described as;: Caucasian appearance; 180cm tall, of average build with short brown hair.

Wearing: black baseball cap and a black jacket.
Anyone with information on either of the above is encouraged to contact local police or Crime Stoppers 1800 33 00 or www.qld.crimestoppers.com.au  24 hrs a day.

Update on the NHW sign at the corner of Maundrell Terrace and Hamilton Road

The large sign at the corner of Maundrell Terrace and Hamilton Road is back in place defining that corner as the boundary of our Carseldine 6 NHW area.

Thanks to Cr Fiona King and her staff for their efforts on our behalf in having this sign replaced after the completion of the road works. 

Thursday 23 August 2012

Brisbane City Council responses to our queries

For some months your Carseldine 6 NHW Committee has been asking the Brisbane City Council about the replacement of the large NHW sign which, before the road works, was at the corner of Maundrell Terrace and Hamilton Road defining one corner boundary of our NHW area.

We were keen to see this sign replaced after the completion of road works.

Below is a response from the BCC City Projects Office.

Council is pleased to confirm that a replacement Neighbourhood Watch sign is currently in production. As Council also intends to install some other road signage in the area, installation of the Neighbourhood Watch sign will be completed once all signs have been produced. Council expect to complete this work by September 2012.


Your Committee was also keen to have a ‘KEEP CLEAR’ sign painted on the roadway in Hamilton Rod at the T-junction with Pullford Street. Below is a response from the BCC City Projects Office. No luck with this one!!

Recent traffic observations completed by Council officers during the morning and afternoon peak indicate that traffic is generally passing through the Maundrell Terrace and Hamilton Road intersection in one traffic light cycle. There were no observations recorded of traffic queuing across the Pullford Street intersection in either an east or westbound direction.

Traffic standards indicate that ‘Keep Clear’ signs are generally only used to allow access to emergency vehicles, and where the blockage caused by queuing traffic would create a safety hazard for a nearby intersection.

For example, westbound traffic queuing on Hamilton Road to turn right into Delan Street could create a safety hazard by reducing the visibility and stopping distance for traffic coming through the intersection of Hamilton Road and Maundrell Terrace.

‘Keep Clear’ zones are not usually used to facilitate access to and from streets and unfortunately for these reasons Council will not be installing a ‘Keep Clear’ zone on Hamilton Road at Pullford Street as part of this project.

While Council appreciates that the Maundrell Terrace and Hamilton Road upgrade has resulted in some access changes for local resident, the changes made were required to improve safety and traffic flow through this busy intersection.

The centre median along Maundrell Terrace at Basnett Street was constructed to separate the traffic and create the additional space needed to safely accommodate the right turning traffic onto Hamilton Road. The right turn from Freeland Lane to Maundrell Terrace was also banned at this time as the hill crest blocks adequate sight lines to the south, preventing motorists from being able to turn safely.

Motorists wishing to travel northbound who want to avoid Hamilton Road during peak periods can access Maundrell Terrace from the southern end of Redbourne Street.

Friday 17 August 2012

Beware of Magpies

It’s that time of year again when magpies start swooping as they protect their chicks.

The magpie breeding season lasts from July until December but the peak is from August to October.

During the breeding season, it’s best to stay well clear of areas where magpies are known to swoop.

Take particular care going through Huxtable Park.

If you can’t avoid the area, the best advice seems to be to move through it quickly but don’t run. Wearing a hat and sunglasses can help, and it is worth carrying an umbrella.

For safety, cyclists are best advised to dismount and walk through the area to avoid any risk of injury from a fall or collision.

Many cyclists find it helps to attach a couple of cable ties to the back of their helmet – tie them so they stick up towards the sky.

Swooping is done by male magpies who are trying to drive intruders away from nests so the swooping nearly always stops once you leave the area and the season usually only lasts about six to eight weeks.

If magpies are causing a particular problem, licensed contractors may be able to remove them – call the Queensland Government Department of Environment and Heritage Protection on 1300 130 372 for details.

Thursday 26 July 2012

Next NHW Update

The next NHW Update will be held on Thursday 2nd of August at the Craigslea State School P&C Building at 7.30 pm.

This will be our Annual General Meeting so there will be no guest speaker.

A Queensland Police Service representative will be in attendance.

Welcome to the Carseldine 6 NHW site.

Please visit here regularly for Neighbourhood Watch news, meeting notices, security tips and more.

We are fortunate to live in a low crime area, but it is important that we do not become complacent. We would appreciate hearing your thoughts as to how we can work to keep crime low and enhance the safety of our area.

You can do this by posting a Comment. To do this, click on the word "comment" at the bottom of an article, fill in the "post" form and click "publish" at the bottom to have your comment appear.
If you should have any problems reading this site or making comments, please do not hesitate to contact us at Carseldine6NHW@gmail.com

Please remember our Committee are all volunteers so we appreciate your patience if we do not respond to your email straight away.

You can have updates to this site sent direct to your email. To subscribe to receive updates as soon as they are posted, simply enter your email address in the "Follow By Email" box below.

We also hope we might have a chance to see you at one of our meetings.